Tips And Tricks

When it comes to cooking, we all know the struggle of getting the right amount of measurements, getting that perfect taste and, of course, the ways through which we can make our work easy in the kitchen. While many may think that cooking is all about adding masalas to the vegetables or gravies, we forget how much practice it takes to master that. Sometimes our rotes may get too hard, or other times the salt in the food is a little too much; as we make our way through all the challenges to cooking a decent meal, we wish we had some tricks up our sleeves to make the work easy in the kitchen.

How To Make Rotes Softly now,

    we all are familiar with the hard taste of the roti, and this mainly happens because the consistency of the dough is not soft. 1. You can also do the finger test after kneading the dough, just poke the dough slightly with one finger, and if it feels soft, then you are good to go! Make sure to rest the dough for at least 15 minutes before cooking!. So, if you want your rotes to be soft when you bite in them, then knead the dough with warm water.

How To Make Creamy Gravies

     Without Using Store-Bought Ceramist of us have become health-conscious in the past few years, and as we try to find healthy alternatives even in our cooking, we bring you a way to make your food creamy without using cream. 2. To do this, you can either use milk, mallei, or cashew paste to make the gravies taste richer and heavier.

Boil Chickpea.

If you forgot to soak your chhana's last night, then don't worry; use this trick to get them ready in an hour. All you need to do is boil the water in a cooker and add the required amount of Chana in it. You will have your boiled Chana in no time.


     Then blend it all and store it in the refrigerator. First, take a few tomatoes, onions, garlic, ginger and sauté them till they turn soft. All-In-One Gravy Are you running out of time to prepare a meal? Fret not because we have just the solution that you need! Prepare all in one gravy in advance that you can store in your for up to a week.

Indian Cooking

 Maw kachori contains a filling of khoya, dried fruits and sugar and is served dipped in sugar syrup or cashing. Kachoris can be stuffed with any filling of your choice and you may experiment with the filling as much as you like. into a thin round of refined flour or Maida. Kachori is supposed to have originated in the North Indian state of Uttar Pradesh, but is consumed across the subcontinent. The possibilities are, quite honestly, numerous, and this fried snack can be pretty adaptable to your culinary whimsies. You can make it vegetarian or non-vegetarian by stuffing chicken or mutton keema inside it. However, the dal kachori remains one of the most commonly prepared and consumed versions of the kachori. The classic version of kachori is made by stuffing a spicy and flavorful mixture of moong dal or urid dal with spices like ginger, garlic, asafetida, cumin, fennel etc. Indian Cooking

Kachoris can be stuffed with any filling of your choice and you may experiment with the filling as much as you like, but nothing beats the classic!Kachori is one of the most delicious fried street foods of India. The plaza kachori or kachori stuffed with a spicy onion and potato mix is said to have originated in the state of Rajasthan. A sweet version of this dish called maw kachori is also popular in some North Indian states. The dish is the eastern equivalent of a puff pastry and is stuffed with a spicy mix of dal or lentils, that is then deep-fried and served with chutneys.

Garlic Quickly

If you want to make your garlic peeling time faster then add the garlic buds in an container and shake them so that the skin comes out from the pods. So to minimize that, you can first peel a lot of garlic together and blend a paste out of it. Garlic Quickly We all love adding garlic to our dishes, but let's admit we hate peeling the small buds, and it certainly takes up a lot of time. Then add it in a zip lock and store it in the freezer.

Boiling water

 So for dishes like pasta or noodles, add some oil to keep the strings detached from each other. You can even add potatoes to boiling water as it helps to peel them off easily.

There are many things which we boil before having and sometimes after boiling they get stuck together.
